Our main recommendation to you is:
Consult with a licensed veterinarian if you suspect your pet may have cataracts, lenticular sclerosis, or Dry Eye Syndrome (KCS).
This point is crucial so as to confirm your pet is indeed suffering from a condition that could be addressed by our PetVisionPro® and/or PetVision® eye drops. Self-diagnosis is always a concern so it is of the utmost importance that you consult with a professional. If you need a hand in identifying a licensed veterinarian in your area click HERE .
Do not use any topical or systemic steroid or steroid derivative in combination with PetVision®, PetVisionPro® or EquiVision®. Steroids cancel the positive effects of our products, although they carry no risk for your dog, cat, or equine. If you have any questions about the use of our products, please contact us at info@aderent.com.
- While opening the plastic ampoules be sure to squeeze the seal on the shaft portion of the
ampoule with your thumb on the "saddle" and your forefinger on the opposite side of the shaft.
- Make certain to not touch or contaminate the dropper tip to help avoid any infections in your pet's
- Be sure to use the plastic cap for storage that comes on the dropper tip, to keep tip clean.
- Do not freeze the contents of the ampoule, nor expose to direct sunlight.
- Once the ampoule is open, use as directed and do not use after 40 days of use. If longer than 40
days, throw out the open ampoule.
- As an initial use of PetVisionPro® or PetVision® make certain to use the eye drops, as directed,
45 to 60 days to observe any improvement in lens clarity. Reaction to benefits from the eye drops
will vary from pet to pet with noticeable difference in lens clarity averaging from 2 to 6 weeks.
- As a minimum maintenance program to promote lens clarity use a package of the eye drops,
as directed, for 30 days ( or for a long as the supply lasts ). Then acquire another package within
six months and repeat.
- Our eye drops can be used daily, as directed, for more than 60 days ( equals 2 packages ) without
adverse effects to your pet's eye(s).
- If your pet is on an eye ointment as well as using our drops, make sure to apply the PetVisionPro®
or PetVision® drops 30 minutes prior to applying the ointment, so as to allow the drops to absorb.
- Do not use our eye drops if your pet is currently on a steroidal medication ( either topical or
systemic). Although the combination will not harm your pet, it will render our eye drops useless
as the steroid will neutralize the benefits found in the eye drops.
- IMPORTANT: When applying the eye drops into your pet's eye(s), apply the first drop into the eye
and then hold its eyelid closed for 10 seconds to allow the drop to absorb into the eye. Then
apply the next drop and hold for 10 seconds again.
- If your pet is also taking an eye ointment (water-based or oil-based), apply the PetVision® or
PetVisionPro® eye drops first, as directed, and then apply the ointment 30 minutes later, allowing
for maximum absorption of the eye drops.
If you are interested in wholesale of our veterinary products please contact us at either
info@aderent.com or contact Mr. Larry Whitehead at triadmktg@aol.com . You will be asked to
provide References, Credit History, and information on your distribution organization.
What is a cataract?
Cataracts are opacities of the eye's lens or its capsule. They are to be differentiated from nuclear sclerosis. (This condition, which appears as a slight graying of the lens, usually occurs in both eyes at the same time and shows up in geriatric dogs, cats, and equine. With nuclear sclerosis, the loss of transparency occurs due to compression of the linear fibers in the nucleus of the eye's lens.)
Cataracts are usually classified by their age of onset (congenital, juvenile, senile), anatomical location, cause, and degree of opacification. (Incipient cataracts are very small, less than 15 percent of the lens. Immature cataracts are greater than 15 percent of the lens, however, a tapetal reflection is still visible. In mature cataracts there is solid opacity of the entire lens and no tapetal reflection. With hypermature cataracts the lens wrinkles and liquefies).
Cataracts can affect all breeds and ages of dogs, cats, and equine.
Our recommendation: Dogs, cats, and equine with cataracts should always be referred to a qualified veterinary ophthalmologist for evaluation.
How do cataracts form?
The basic mechanism of cataract formation is thought to be cross-linking of lens proteins, which produces the following biochemical reaction:
The specific causes of cataract formation are numerous and include genetic defects, nutritional deficiency, focal disruption of normal lens metabolism by adhesion to uveal tissue (synechia), radiation, high blood glucose, hypocalcemia, toxins, faulty embryogenesis, and altered composition of the aqueous humor caused by uveitis.
Cataracts are a common complication of diabetes mellitus in dogs. In fact, 75 percent of dogs develop cataracts and blindness in both eyes within one year of being diagnosed with diabetes.
Cats are frequently brought to the veterinarian for evaluation of painful, red eyes due to glaucoma (excess pressure in the eye), uveitis (inflammation in the eye) or lens dislocation, all of which commonly result in cataracts.
Horses may be born with cataracts, or the condition may develop soon after birth. Adult horses typically develop cataracts as a result of uncontrolled uveitis (ERU – Equine Recurrent Uveitis).
How do I know if my dog, cat or equine has cataracts?
If you or your veterinarian notice decreased vision or clouding of the eye, your animal should be examined by a veterinary ophthalmologist and given a comprehensive eye examination.
It is best to have your animal's eyes examined before a cataract causes complete blindness, such early action will allow for examination of the intraocular structure (especially the retina).
As the formation of a cataract will stimulate inflammation (called uveitis) within the eye, your animal may experience ocular pain and redness. This situation should be brought to your veterinarian's attention immediately.
Our recommendation: Dogs, cats, and equine with cataracts should always be referred to a qualified veterinary ophthalmologist for evaluation.
Can cataracts be dissolved?
ADER Enterprises has developed three ophthalmic nutraceutical eye drop formulas to improve and maintain clear vision in dogs, cats, and equine:
PetVision® (for dogs and cats) has been developed and formulated to help alleviate incipient cataracts and dry eye syndrome (KCS).
PetVisionPro® (For dogs and cats) has been developed and formulated to help alleviate incipient cataracts, immature cataracts (when a tapetal reflection is still visible), nuclear sclerosis and dry eye syndrome (KCS).
PetVisionPro® is sold only through licensed veterinarians. For Sales contact us at info@aderent.com
EquiVision® (exclusive for equine use) has been developed and formulated to help alleviate incipient cataracts, immature cataracts (when a tapetal reflection is still visible), nuclear sclerosis and dry eye syndrome (KCS).
EquiVision® is Coming Soon and will be sold only through licensed veterinarians. For sales contact us at info@aderent.com
Our recommendation: Do not use any ophthalmic steroid or steroid derivative in combination with PetVision®, PetVisionPro® or EquiVision®. Steroids cancel the positive effects of our products, although they carry no risk for your dog, cat, or equine. If you have any questions about the use of our products, please contact us at info@aderent.com.
How do PetVision®, PetVisionPro® and EquiVision®, help dissolve incipient cataracts ?
The basic abnormality in incipient cataract formation is the degeneration of the normal protein structure of the lens fibers.
The cross-linked eye lens proteins occur in vivo and may contribute to cataractogenesis.
Anti-glycation compounds such as our ophthalmic nutraceutical eye drops reverse incipient cataracts, producing the following biochemical reaction:
Our research and analysis support the following hypothesis: The ophthalmic nutraceutical eye drops disaggregate glycated proteins, thus reducing any opacification (incipient cataract) on the eye lens of dogs, cats, and equine.

ADER Enterprises, Inc. is committed to its customers and customers’ pets in providing ophthalmic nutraceutical products of the highest quality for canine, feline and equine application.
In support of you our valued customers ADER will accept exchanges of any PetVision®, PetVisionPro® and EquiVision® items purchased that are in un-opened packages and sealed eye droppers that reflect the following conditions:
Opaque solution
Damaged packaging
Illegible labeling
Expired product
Returned product must be in unused packages and sealed eye droppers.
Our customers can send droppers for exchange to:
ADER Enterprises, Inc.
12526 High Bluff Dr., Ste. 300
San Diego, CA 92130 USA
We will mail a new product to replace the one received. We’ll process your exchange within 7 days of receipt, and you will not be charge shipping costs.